Buy Wusthof knives - Chefshop knows that many feel that installing water stones isn't a big deal, while others think the world of it. The key though, is to find a faucet that suits your overall theme of the room and functions properly for what you intend to use it for. Some faucets are arched and have a bigger, taller look and feel to them. These can be quite nice to the eye, but sometimes it's hard to wash something under it without splashing water everywhere since the water is falling from such a high location. A smaller or lower faucet, might not be the right answer either as they can sometimes be harder to wash things under and if you keep anything in there is a fine line between having a high or low faucet. It personally prefer something in the middle which has a little more all-around usability as opposed to a good ecstatic look. I prefer function over looks, when it comes to the kitchen faucet as it's something I know I'll use a lot. If you will not be the one using the faucet or you have somebody take care of some of the kitchen chores that would require a faucet, then maybe consider a good looking faucet.