Adam Burns
3 yrs ·Translate

TypeScript is a programming language developed and maintained by Microsoft. TypeScript is a natural fit for the world of frontend applications. With its rich support for JSX and its ability to safely model mutability, TypeScript lends structure and safety to your application and makes it easier to write correct, maintainable code in the fast-paced environment that is frontend development.

TypeScript is an object-oriented programming language developed by Microsoft Corporation, whereas JavaScript is the programming language for the web. TypeScript is an open-source language to build large-scale web apps, whereas JavaScript is a server-side programming language that helps to develop interactive web pages.

Responsibilities of TypeScript Developers:

To Hire TypeScript Developers in mind companies should consider to delegate the following duties and responsibilities:

The Freelance TypeScript developers will be part of the planning, development, and implementation of the user interface.
They will also help in improving the look and design of their companies’ web properties.
Aside from the design, they also work with other designers and developers to create intuitive web interfaces.
Research and study the latest user preferences.
They must be able to work in an environment where sharing codes is a practice.
Freelance TypeScript developers must always be in the know about the latest technologies and practices in their field.
Must be disciplined in their use of source code controls.
Be responsible for process documentation of each project they work on.
Must be knowledgeable about conducting code analysis.
Lastly, TypeScript developers must help in recommending better policies and procedures to improve the company’s output.

Companies that hire Typescript developers should undergo sourcing, screening and onboarding at

The following are the mandatory programming languages that a freelance Typescript developers should hold

Also the proficiency in frameworks and libraries, especially with Angular and React is mandatory.

Are you sick of attempting to Hire Typescript Developers on your own? Make one decision that will change your work life at ease. Visit and post your project requirement. Hire Now!

Freelance TypeScript Developers & Programmers for Hiring - Eiliana

Freelance TypeScript Developers & Programmers for Hiring - Eiliana

To hire freelance TypeScript developers & TypeScript programmers for JavaScript code and application development, explore the profiles of TypeScript experts at Eiliana.