ACTC Health
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Discover the ABC of Moles: Everything You Need to Know | ACTC Health

At ACTC Health, we understand the importance of educating individuals on the ABCs of moles for early detection and prevention of skin cancer. A stands for "Asymmetry," where a mole's two halves do not match; B represents "Border irregularity," where edges are not well-defined; C denotes "Color variation," suggesting multiple shades within a mole. Regular skin checks, moles with a diameter larger than a pencil eraser, and evolving moles should not be overlooked. From routine screenings to personalized skin care, ACTC Health is committed to safeguarding your skin health.

The ABC of Melanoma Skin Cancer | ACTC Blog

The ABC of Melanoma Skin Cancer | ACTC Blog

Most people have moles & while a majority of these darker-colored spots are innocuous, some can act as precursors to Melanoma. Read our blog post to know more.