Unofficial World Of Warcraft server brings simulated coronavirus in the game

Unofficial World Of Warcraft server brings simulated coronavirus in the game

Just last weekend, World Of Warcraft ’s private server Elysium spread a terrible seed. The server organizer used a highly infectious virus to wrap up a game item, and within 24 hours of the first infection, it has spread to more than 7,000 players. This is Pandemic in Azeroth, a fan project attempt to deliver reliable advice to World Of Warcraft players on how to Buy WOW Classic Gold survive the Covid-19 pandemic.
At its peak, an uncontrolled pandemic hit 88% of the population of Elysium. After the first outbreak, server administrators have been cleaning up their events and then rolling back time. The second outbreak is about to occur, but this time, Azeroth is ready.
In the second outbreak, Elysium stopped the virus by adding missions to encourage good events. Mask cosmetics can be used to alleviate the speed of infection, and can be disinfected by spraying antibacterial agents on items and NPCs. There are various missions that may let you kill 60 boars.
Now you might think who is Corrupted Blood? World Of Warcraft's own accidental outbreak, the experience and lessons of medical staff in the real world are almost as famous as Blizzard's MMO. However, Elysium did not attempt to reproduce the tragedy of World Of Warcraft's past characters. This pandemic makes sense.
Azeroth's pandemic was meant to be education, not anger. This is a sensitive topic, so Rain clearly stated that the incident needs to be kept mild. It is necessary to provide practical suggestions to prevent players' friends from being killed.
The virus of Elysium did not disappear but was weakened. Infected players will only reduce the attribute value by 5% and the movement speed by 10%. Of course, this is a pain, but not a game character. Characters below level 10 are immune to this.
Not all players are very happy about bringing real-world disasters into their fantasy retreat, and one in ten players may be frustrated. But the Vanilla WOW Gold experiment is at least effective, reducing the peak infection rate from 88% to 42%.

Cucclvince Cucclvince

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