Precautions When Making Raw Materials For Pet Bottle Preform

Pet Bottle Preform is a typical injection molding product, so it is necessary to use his raw materials in the production, although the finished preform is relatively durable and resistant to water and fire. Ok, but his raw materials are relatively fragile after comparison.

Pet Bottle Preform is a typical injection molding product, so it is necessary to use his raw materials in the production, although the finished preform is relatively durable and resistant to water and fire. Ok, but his raw materials are relatively fragile after comparison.

So how do you save his ingredients when you use them?
1. Pay attention to the degree of humidity: When it is necessary to preserve the raw materials of PET preforms, why should we teach them? Because some raw materials are granules, and some raw materials are powdery, the requirements for the humidity of different raw materials are different. The powdery requirements are absolutely dry, and the granular ones are better than his Slightly lower, but their requirements for humidity are relatively high.
2. Pay attention to fire prevention: fire protection is also very important when using it. The materials of plastics are all not only flammable, but also emit strong black smoke when burning. It will be more difficult to extinguish these flames, so if you want to save time and save money, fire prevention is definitely the top priority.
Pet preform processing products are easy to transport, mostly plastic materials, uniform texture, good insulation, is the intermediate product of plastic bottles and oil barrels.

        Choosing Jilian Plastics, we are experts in pet products. We design and manufacture a wide range of products. We can meet your 5-Gallon Pet Preform requirements, so please contact us if you have any needs.

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