Whether at home or abroad, Hot Air Stenter Machine's remarkable development in recent years is undoubtedly the development and application of automation technology, such as the online detection and control technology of printing and dyeing process parameters, which has realized the temperature, speed, humidity, feeding, tension, door Real-time online detection and control of parameters such as width and moisture content; automatic measurement, storage and distribution of dyeing materials; automatic online detection of fabric defects and color differences by using machine vision technology. These subsystems are assembled into the Flat Screen Printing Machine Factory automated integrated control system, which can realize functions such as remote diagnosis and remote management, so that water, electricity, steam and other resources can be used reasonably, and dyes and chemicals can be accurately allocated.
High degree of automation, wide format, large pattern, multiple color sets, multiple scratch printing methods and wide variety adaptability are the development direction of printing equipment, which conforms to the current development trend of textile diversification.
In printing and dyeing equipment, finishing technology and equipment development space, various mechanical and chemical finishing technologies are used to improve the appearance and wearability of fabrics and increase the added value of products. There are many types of equipment in this field, and new products are developing rapidly. Developed and manufactured finishing machinery products are diverse and refined. The fabrics processed by these equipment are soft and plump with high added value. The stenter setting machine is the main finishing equipment, and high energy consumption is the main problem in the development of the stenter setting machine. The drying process can be controlled in real time by detecting the cloth surface temperature, drying room exhaust humidity, cloth moisture regain and other parameters, and the development of low liquid supply technology and heat recovery technology can effectively reduce the energy consumption of finishing equipment.