Personalized water bottle labels are a great way to get the word out about your business or provide water with flair for guests at parties or weddings. You’ll save a lot of money by ordering just the labels instead of custom bottled water for the simple reason water bottle labels are a lot less expensive to ship than cases of bottled water. They also take less time to make so we can ship them out to you faster. That’s why we offer self-adhesive, waterproof water bottle labels printed with your design to put on bottles you source locally. It’s easy to go to the grocery store or Costco and pick up a few cases of water. Removing the labels is usually fast since major bottlers use as little glue as possible on the ends of the labels. This is good news for you and for us because getting the bottle free of the label takes no time at all. Personalized water bottles are great for hand outs and parties, but please don’t resell them. It’s not legal. Buy our custom bottled water if you plan on reselling.
Before you proceed here are some things you must know to make your purchase of water bottle labels a good experience.
People in general have the misguided idea there is one bottle that’s a standard size. That’s not the case. Bottles come with standard content sizes like 16.9 ounces (500 ml), 12 ounces (355 ml) and 8 ounces (240 ml), but the bottle shapes themselves can be very different. See the photo below:
There is no standard size water bottle
Bottles come in many shapes and sizes. There is no standard bottle.
So I guess what most people think of as “standard” is a 16.9 oz. bottle of water. That’s the size you probably pick up at the store when you’re stocking up. Just to illustrate how different bottles with the same fluid ounces can be, refer to the photos below of three brand name bottled waters in three content sizes. Even though they are all the same size in fluid ounces, they are different heights, different shapes, and different circumferences.
There is no standard water bottle even if the bottles hold the same amount of water.
Examples of 16.9 oz. bottled water
12 ounce water bottles without labels
Examples of 12 ounce bottled water
Eight ounce water bottles without labels
Examples of 8 ounce bottled water
You wouldn’t shop for shoes or a shirt without knowing your size. Neither should you order labels without knowing what bottle you’re going to put them on. You’d be surprised how many people do just that however. Then they call us all confused as to why the labels don’t fit their bottles. But hey, they bought the water bottle labels before knowing what bottle they were going to use. Kind of like buying shoes for your kid who’s at home and then finding when you get home they don’t fit. Hmmm.
Check the size of your bottle before you buy labels.
Mom and Dad what were you thinking? Why didn’t you measure first?
Not only are bottles with the same fluid ounces different shapes and sizes, to make matters even more confusing, they have different label panels. The label panel is the area where the label is applied to the bottle. See the illustration below for further reference to what that area looks like.
Water bottles showing label area
Label panel size on three 16.9 oz. bottles
Notice how the bottle on the far left has a significantly taller space where the label can be placed on the bottle and on another the label panel gets as small as 1.75 inches in height. Now not many commercial bottlers spend the money to make a label that’s 4.5 inches high. Dasani and Aquafina have the tallest labels I’ve seen and those are only two inches high. Water bottled by Nestlé Waters’ may have labels as narrow as 1.5 inches high.
Besides the height of the area where the label fits you also need to know the measurement of the circumference (the distance around) the bottle. You can measure with a cloth measuring tape or use a piece of string, wrap it around the bottle, cut it, and lay it flat against a ruler. You can also pull the existing label off to get a good idea, but generally the existing label is smaller than the label panel. We give you lots of space to show off your design so our label might be slightly taller in height, but still fit the bottle.
Measure your bottle before you buy water bottle labels.
Measure the bottle first before you buy labels.