It's a bit surreal to be one of them today
It's a bit surreal to be one of them today Sep 24

It's a bit surreal to be one of them today

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Chiefs TE Travis Kelce joins the 99 Club in "Madden NFL 22".Travis Kelce, Kansas City Chiefs' the TE, is now an integral part of Madden NFL videogame franchise's most exclusive club for its second time.

Kelce was selected to the "Madden NFL 22 99 Club. Kelce was awarded the highest rating of a player at the tight end position prior to the game's debut. The last time, Kelce didn't join the 99 Club until later in the season after having already put up some amazing numbers.

Madden has realised their mistake and made Kelce a top tight end in the game right from the beginning.Kelce was pleasantly surprised by his 99 Club invitation on board the plane. It came with a 99 overall necklace necklace. Take a look:

"Madden Thank you man, thank you," Kelce said. It is always humbling to be among the top players in the game. . . I was a kid playing Madden. I've always wanted to be one of those players who were most highly rated in the game. It's a bit surreal to be one of them today."

When Madden NFL 22 launches on August 20, 2022 for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Xbox Series X, and Series S, 99 of the total Kelce will be accessible for viewers to see.

If you want to know more about Madden 22, you can go to

24-September-2021 - 11:58 开始日期
30-September-2021 - 08:23 结束日期
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