QuickBooks Error H101
Quickbooks error H101 is a condition where a company file is being accessed from another computer. This usually occurs because of incorrect hosting settings or connectivity issues.
To resolve Quickbooks error H101 Hosting should be enabled only on the server. Open server > utilities and host multi-user access to the server while disabling it on workstations, Enable Quickbooks Services on the server click Windows + R, and type services.MSc and ensure that QuickBooksDBXX and QBCFMoniterService are running. Restart if needed, Add Quickbooks to the exception of the firewall open the firewall settings, and allow inbound and outbound rules for QuickBooks-related ports, Ping the IP address of the server using the command prompt to confirm that the workstation can communicate with the server, Download and run the QuickBooks database server manager tool hub to resolve network issues and Reboot all computers to test that the problem is now fixed.
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