How to choose the best post offered through SSC CHSL Exam?

SSC is conducting various exams for years together to fill the vacant posts lying in government departments and ministries. There are some significant exams such as SSC CGL, SSC CHSL, SSC MTS, and SSC GRADE C AND GRADED exams are opted by most of the aspirants. SSC CHSL is one such exam wh

SSC is conducting various exams for years together to fill the vacant posts lying in government departments and ministries. There are some significant exams such as SSC CGL, SSC CHSL, SSC MTS, and SSC GRADE C AND GRADED exams are opted by most of the aspirants. SSC CHSL is one such exam which is very challenging and preferred by millions of candidates. Generally, candidates will find it difficult to opt for the post while filling the application form for SSC CHSL EXAM

There are four significant job profiles offered through SSC CHSL Exam and these job profiles are:


  1. DEO (Data Entry Operator)
  2. LDC (Lower Division Clerk)
  3. Postal or Sorting Assistants
  4. Court Clerk


Let us recognize and enumerate the factors that will help to choose the finest post.


1.         Aim for the best job profile


One should choose the job profile according to one’s implication rather than building an uninformed or untailored choice. In case you have a preference to work in a particular department of Government then make it your precedence. In case you are yearning to work in the office atmosphere then place DEO on the top precedence. If you prefer the atmosphere of court then choose Court Clerk.


2.         Place to Work


The inclination of the working place may vary from person to person. The aspirants inhabited in rural areas should prefer to be located in rural area and for that reason, they have to choose rural area based posts such as postal assistants. The prospect of Postal Assistants post yields a good chance with rural area posting over the urban areas as the mainstream of the postal services is typically rural area based. Digital media has not made any significant impact. The aspirants who prefer urban areas can choose posts like LDC and DEO as most of the government offices are in urban areas. It will provide them an implausible possibility to be posted in their hometown.

Let see some online video for SSC CHSL EXAM for your preparation.


3.         Salary in hand


Money is on high when one is looking for the job. It is the ultimate reason to seek for a job. Better salary package gives job satisfaction which makes one work with dedication. The salary package depends upon the posts given or chosen for, though the exam is general it has a diverse salary package for a different post. Make a significant analysis of salary in hand, grade, perks, incentives, and other factors. The salary offered to DEO is higher than LDC and Court Clerks. Therefore, if money is your major apprehension then it is always good to choose the DEO post. Analyze it thoroughly before you opt for the post with a high salary package as it should be the one which should give you job satisfaction in the work profile also. You should be able to accomplish all the duties and responsibilities related to the job with dedication.



In this blog, we have categorically discussed three main factors that will guide aspirants about the most appropriate post for them while filing an application form for SSC CHSL exam. This is a major decisive decision for every aspirant and so it should be taken meticulously. If you are going to take a wise decision then you will surely get the best job title, location, and salary package. Therefore, all the aspirants are highly advised to deliver their finest performance in the forthcoming SSC CHSL exam.

Join The Best online SSC CHSL Video Course for the best preparation.




For better results, the aspirants are advised to join the online test series and buy the best study material which should be updated and based on the latest exam pattern. To grab the single-digit merit order, the basics and concepts of every topic should be grasped properly. The aspirants should understand that the success in this exam will deliver them both personal and professional satisfaction of the highest level.



The price of success is hard work, dedication to the job at hand, and the determination that whether we win or lose, we have applied the best of ourselves to the task at hand.




All the best!!!

Author:- This Content is written and published from SSC CGL Coaching in Chandigarh.


Subham Kumar

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