WoW Classic Moneymaking Tips

Gold is very important in classic WoW, in a way that you won't be used to if you play more modern versions


Gold is very important in classic WoW, in a way that you won't be used to if you play more modern versions. Prioritize your money where you can and it will pay off. You will want to buy your mount training and mount at 40, or as soon as possible afterward. Whether you're leveling as fast as possible or along For The Journey, the mount is an important step. Be frugal before it.

Avoid training skills that you know won't help you level until you're comfortable with your money. If you don't know what you can skip, it's not a tremendous deal, so go ahead and train things. As an example, as a druid player I won't immediately train most damage spells after I learn bear form at level 10, because druids do damage in animal forms while leveling.

It is very important to know which items will vendor best to keep in your bags when out of space. Consider downloading an addon to display the sale value in item tooltips - classic wow does not do this. If you don't have the addon, here are rules which are almost always true:

Higher level things sell better than lower level things. This does not apply to trash items (grey-tier text). If a level 50 scorpion drops a gray-tier claw or something that you remember level 3 scorpions dropping, it will still sell horribly even at level 50.

Equipment sells better than almost all non-equipment items of the same rarity and level.

Higher rarity items vendor substantially better than those of lower rarity, especially for equipment.

Items that can be stacked generally vendor for much worse than items that don't stack, unless you have nearly a full stack. If you're killing many of a creature type for a quest, it might be worth making a new stack. otherwise it's probably not worth starting a new stack of that stackable item.

Different equipment slots have different values at vendors. For example, a weapon will essentially always sell better than an equivalent rarity and level piece of any armor. For armor the value goes Chest Legs Shoulders Helmet Gloves Boots. This scale of equipment value aligns with the equipment's impact on characters - chestpieces and legs have much more armor and stats than belts. If you need a reminder of the relative values, you can look at the Armor value of the equipment your character is wearing.

Food, water, and some other common consumables vendor for almost nothing. If you're making space and have unneeded food and water in your bags, it should be the first thing to go.

If you need to make space and don't want to vendor something, but don't want to go to the bank to save it, assuming the item isn't soulbound you can mail it to another character of yours (for a measly 10 copper per inventory slot sent). You even have 30 days to retrieve it from the mailbox. Serious players will have at least 1 bank alt, likely more, to take advantage of this, and use their main's bank mostly for soulbound items or items which they'll need quicker than mail allows.

Classic WoW Druid Tips

Balance-talent Druids have uses - but are generally considered bad for leveling.

Get Feline Swiftness as soon as you can, it's by far the most important leveling talent.

With Entangling Roots at 8, you can turtle up and outlast pretty much any yellow or orange mob if you need mana. It's not fast but it's better than dying in a pinch.

Your mana can regenerate while you're shapeshifted, which has many implications. Usually you want to fight something entirely in shapeshift form, perhaps after pulling with moonfire, and then use your entirely full mana bar to heal up after a fight.

Regrowth is an extremely powerful in-combat heal, but it costs massive mana. If your mana will regenerate in form afterwards, it can be a great spell.

There isn't much use for wrath, starfire, and some other spells after you have your combat shapeshifts. Consider not training them past 10 to save money.

Although Maul's tooltip doesn't mention it, it generates immense threat. Because of this, the aoe value of swipe, and the fact that you're probably picking up some bear talents in feral, you are an excellent tank while leveling.

You can tank or heal or cat dps satisfactorily in dungeons as any spec while leveling. When it comes to high level dungeons, equipment matters more for these things than spec, so keep sets for any roles you want to play after like 40.

Almost every stat is relevant for you if you're feral, not as much Spirit.

Your weapon damage and speed has 0 impact on bear and cat form. In forms, weapons are stat sticks ONLY. "WoW Classic Moneymaking Tips" and "Classic WoW Druid Tips" will help you enjoy the game, if you looking for more Classic WoW leveling tips or find Safe Place to Buy WOW Gold , Please check below link:


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