ISO 22000 or FSSC 22000? See the differences

ISO 22000 Services in Saudi Arabia has the food and beverage market is a highly regulated market. This is because of the consumer’s health is something very serious. It is therefore natural that formal means an exist to ensure that the entire food productive process should be free from

ISO 22000 Certification in Bangalore In the beginning there was the HACCP and I was happy with that! This was followed by the GMPs, PRPs and of course ISO 22000, with all the credibility and the prominence of an ISO standard.  But it seems that this was still not enough.  And now we have FSSC 22000, with the much sought-after acknowledgment by GFSI.  Are you confused? Let’s unravel this knot of acronyms.

ISO 22000 Services in Saudi Arabia has the food and beverage market is a highly regulated market.  This is because of the consumer’s health is something very serious.  It is therefore natural that formal means an exist to ensure that the entire food productive process should be free from the risks likely to adversely affect consumer’s health.

ISO 22000 and its background

ISO 22000 Consultant in Bangalore ISO, with its authority in regulatory issues in general, created ISO 22000, a food safety management system should be applicable by the companies in the food productive chain, from seed producers to delivery services.

ISO 22000 in Saudi Arabia has been adopted the HACCP from ISO 22000 this methodology as well as Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP), which are part of the Pre-Requisite Program (PRP) in terms of food safety.  HACCP as well as PRPs are very familiar procedures for any company in the given food business, as they provide practical instructions, albeit comprehensive with regards to the scope of the application.

Prestige by GFSI

ISO 22000 Consultant Services in Bangalore is certifiable by ISO 22000.  However, in the food market there is another organization with greater credibility.  This is the Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI).  This credibility and prestige arise from the market itself and from the major companies that adopt and support these initiatives.

ISO 22000 Consultant in Saudi Arabia the GFSI is not a standard.  Yet the assesses the existing standards and provides its seal of the acknowledgment.  And guess what, ISO 22000 tried but was unable to earn the recognition by the GFSI.  What were the reasons? Chiefly due to the fact that this standard’s requisites are generic and do not detail the pre-requisite programs to be implemented.

Opportunism by FSSC 22000

This is where the FSSC 22000 steps in the Food Safety System Certification is an independent agency that created a system based on ISO 22000, but is more specific to the point that it was acknowledged by the GFSI.

FSSC 22000 is nothing more than:

  • ISO 22000
  • ISO 22003- is a technical specification that the details which and how the pre-requisite programs should be implemented
  • A number of additional requisites has been established by the owner

FSSC 22000 is less comprehensive than ISO 22000.  It is currently applicable only for the food processing companies, to catering, agriculture and the manufacturers of the food packaging.  As new technical specifications are approved, this certification scope will be expanded.

It is important to keep in the mind that FSSC 22000 is not the only standard acknowledged by the GFSI.  There are others such as IFS, SQF, BRC and then GRMS among others.  Hence, FSSC 22000 is only one of the options for you to gain the market an respect.  But of course, if you are already certified under ISO 22000, FSSC 22000 is one of the shortest path.

   Certvalue is one of the leading ISO 22000 Consultants in Saudi Arabia to providing food safety management system standards to all organizations. We are one of the well recognized firm with experts in every industry sector to implement the standard with 100% track record of success.
Our advice, Go for it
If you’re looking how to get ISO 2000 Certification in Saudi Arabia. You can write us at or visit our official website at we are ISO Certification Consultant Companies in Saudi Arabia, Australia, Malaysia,  Oman, Qatar, Afghanistan, and India. Certvalue and provide your contact details so that one of our certification expert shall contact you at the earliest to understand your requirements better and provide best available service at market.





Roopesh N

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