About Three Phase Electricity Meter

Definition: An electric meter used to measure the power of a three-phase power source is called a three-phase electric meter. A three-phase electric meter is constructed by connecting two single-phase electric meters through a shaft. The total energy is the sum of the readings of the two e


Definition: An electric meter used to measure the power of a three-phase power source is called a three-phase electric meter. A three-phase electric meter is constructed by connecting two single-phase electric meters through a shaft. The total energy is the sum of the readings of the two elements.

Working principle of three-phase electric energy meter
Mechanically increasing the torque of the two components, the total shaft rotation is proportional to the three-phase energy consumption.

Construction of three-phase electricity meter
The three-phase meter has two discs installed on a common shaft. Both discs have their brake magnets, copper ring, shading tape and compensator to get the correct reading. These two elements are used to measure three-phase power.

For a three-phase electricity meter, the driving torque of the two components is equal. This can be done by adjusting the torque. By connecting the current coils of two components in series and their potential coils in parallel, the torque can be adjusted. Full-load current flows through the coil, so two opposing torques are established in the coil.

The strength of the two torques is equal, so they do not allow the disc to rotate. If the torque becomes unequal and the disc rotates, the magnetic shunt will be adjusted. Balance torque has been obtained before testing the meter. The position of the compensator and the brake magnet are adjusted to each element separately to obtain a balanced torque.

Zhejiang Tepsung Electric Meter Co.,Ltd . is a manufacturer and supplier of single-phase,     three phase electricity meter    , electric energy meters and digital electric meters. We have established a mature and professional team in the design, production and sales of electric meters. It is a professional three-phase electricity meter manufacturer and three-phase electricity meter supplier in China. Welcome to order: https://www.yhddb.com/


Morgan Yhddb

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