Do You Know That Chunmee 9371 Is Popular?

There's no denying that coffee is the most popular caffeinated beverage to enjoy first thing in the morning — but it's also hard to ignore just how popular CHUNMEE 9371 has become in the last few years, as well as the slow-but-steady buzz surrounding GREEN TEA 3505 in particu


There's no denying that coffee is the most popular caffeinated beverage to enjoy first thing in the morning — but it's also hard to ignore just how popular CHUNMEE 9371 has become in the last few years, as well as the slow-but-steady buzz surrounding GREEN TEA 3505 in particular. Whether it's hot or iced, mixed in with matcha or served on its own, more people are making room for green tea in their daily routines. Some are hoping that a few sips of the steeped herbal concoction will gently keep them on track during their workday; others enjoy a steaming hot cup of tea to relax before bed. Regardless of when or how it's enjoyed, there are a few health benefits that give green tea a supercharged edge over many other hot beverages (including coffee!).

Why do health experts often praise tea over coffee, you might ask? All varieties of tea are first brewed from the dried leaves of the Camellia Sinesis bush and can be divided into four different categories based on how oxidized they are. White tea is made from unoxidized buds, whereas oolong tea stems from particularly oxidized leaves, and black tea is made when completely oxidized leaves are steeped in hot water. Green tea, on the other hand, is made with unoxidized tea leaves — all of these varieties contain antioxidants, chiefly flavonoids, a group of plant-based chemicals that have been shown to reduce coronary inflammation. How you choose to brew your tea — and the kind of tea you've chosen to brew — can play a role in its final antioxidant counts. Green tea, however, has been shown to naturally contain the highest amount of flavonoids of the four varieties, according to a 2005 scholarly review published in the Journal of Food Composition and Analysis.

But some of the hype around this herbal superstar of a daily pick-me-up has led to confusion about its immediate health benefits.

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Baoda Henry

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