How to Testing Washer Motor

Discharge the run capacitor by placing one alligator clip from your jumper wire to the housing of the capacitor, and place the other on the metal shaft of your screwdriver.

Where should you look first when your washing machine stops working? While there are numerous parts that could be damaged in your machine, one of the most commons issues is a damaged capacitor. Before replacing your entire Washer Motor, you should check this part for problems.

Remove the wires from the terminals, using your needle-nose pliers.

Discharge the run capacitor by placing one alligator clip from your jumper wire to the housing of the capacitor, and place the other on the metal shaft of your screwdriver.

Then, put the blade of the screwdriver to one of the terminals and the shaft of the screwdriver to the other terminal. This will cause the capacitor to short out, so you don't have to worry about getting shocked from its stored charge.

Change your multimeter to the ohm scale. Then, touch the two lead points to one another and switch the adjusting wheel until the needle reaches zero, pointing upward.

Touch the leads to the capacitor terminals. The black lead goes on right, and the red lead goes on left. This should make the needle of the multimeter jump from zero to the right before going back to zero.

Finally, reverse the leads. This will make the needle move even farther from zero before going back. If the needle doesn't move, this means that your capacitor is not working, and it should be replaced.

For more tips, informations about washer motors, you can click Washer Motor Factory or

Washermotor Nanyang

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