Similarities and differences between ISO 9001 and ISO 22000

ISO 22000:2018 is a standard for the Food Safety Management Systems and provides the requirements for any one of the organization in the food chain. That consists of companies so much are both at once you worried then in a round about the way we concerned along the food band operations

ISO 9001 Certification in Oman does not have any chance to review in the new release of the ISO 22000:2018 version of the Food Safety Management System standard – the main Requirement for  any organization in the food chain, the update in new standard is that it follows the same high-level structure (Annex SL) that is generally being used by all the updated management system ISO standards like ISO 9001ISO 14001ISO 27001, and many more. The first and foremost benefit is that now ISO 22000:2018 has become easier to integrate with other management system standards.

What is ISO 22000:2018?

ISO 22000:2018 is a standard for the Food Safety Management Systems and provides the requirements for any one of the organization in the food chain.  That consists of companies so much are both at once you worried then in a round about the way we concerned along the food band operations, because example, eat producers, animal meals producers, producers of meals ingredients, processors about food items, meals manufacturers or retailers, food job providers, catering services, food logistics, meals storage, equipment suppliers because the food industry, packaging suppliers have the food industry, and producers regarding the brute ingredients or lousy food consultation materials.

The recent update to the 2018 version is the second edition of the ISO 22000 standard is formerly, ISO 9001 Services in Oman it was the ISO 22000:2005 version, which had a long history of development.  Initiated in 1960 from hazard and critical control points (HACCP) in the food chain system and, later on, food safety system certification (FSSC), it was established for fulfilling the management system requirements for food safety.


Biggest differences among ISO 22000:2018

ISO 9001 cost in Oman While it contains all the requirements are identical requirements for the Quality Management Systems as the revised standards, there are some specific technical requirements that make this standard as specific groups of the food industry.

  • Operational planning and monitoring – How much the employer plans its operations or simultaneously controls because of the food safety.
  • Prerequisites applications – Identification concerning the basic prerequisites yet the things to do that amount are critical according to the preserve a salubrious environment at some point of the food chain.
  • Traceability System – A system to trace the food products that to in uniquely.


What are the differences yet similarities in ISO 9001 then ISO 22000:2018?

The main difference between the standards is in the clause 8.  Going through the technical requirements of clause 8, we see that in ISO 22000.

  1. Context of the organization such as internal and external issues.
  2. Improvement, corrective actions
  3. Competence, communication, training and also awareness
  4. Management review and Internal audits.


Our advice, go for it

ISO 9001 Certification in Oman helps companies How to get ISO 9001 Consultants to increase the guarantee to return on the investment.  Oman is one of the developed country.



Roopesh N

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