Most only buy that sngle match Madden or 2k, time investment to do everything like badge grinding can take all your time although I think it's easier today for to 99 and they would like you to make multiple builds today. I play the thing mostly every year I just dont get it at release due to the sideshow it's and it drops cost fast. Or mut coins madden 21 maybe the population that's complaining on the Internet doesn't have anything to do with the people that's usually buying games like Madden, NBA 2K and other games like this. Regardless of the whining people do here, these games are nearly always very good. They constantly have like 7+ different game modes and approaches to play. You can avoid all micro trades incredibly easily.
There is not anything wrong with spending $60 on a game every year if you are spending 300+ hours enjoying it. Many players don't realize the amount of console sales that take place is rather high just for the particular purpose to cheap Madden 21 coins play two or one annualized franchises. For the individual who buys two games a year such as Madden and NBA2K every calendar year, $60x2 for your hours and hours of time put into those games, the value is super large. The populace of men and women who fall into that category aren't on r/Games whining about microtransactions and shit like that. They most likely don't even possess a reddit account. It's not a knock on them, it is just the way things happen.
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