Important Hajj and Umrah Guides for Muslims

Hajj and Umrah both are performed in the sacred sites and are almost are similar. Hajj is the major pilgrimage and also the fifth main pillar of Islam

Hajj and Umrah both are performed in the sacred sites and are almost are similar. Hajj is the major pilgrimage and also the fifth main pillar of Islam but Umrah is the Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad is considered as minor pilgrimage. Muslims try to perform Umrah with the help of cheapest Umrah packages at any time but they can only perform Hajj at the fixed time of the year. Muslims must prepare themselves for these two grand worships.

Preparations for Hajj and Umrah:

As both of the worships require journey, Muslims need to start preparations for this sacred journey. Muslims must meet their relatives before starting this journey and should also pray for their parents. Muslims must say sorry for their misdoings with their relatives and their family members because they are preparing themselves for journey of sacred worships and also they are going to achieve the happiness of Allah Almighty.

Prevent yourself from scorching heat:

The first and foremost thing to keep in mind is that you must take care of your health during whole journey of Hajj and Umrah. You must take sufficient amount of water with you and also you avoid from oily meals. The scorching heat of Makkah can harm you badly if you do not take care of your health. Take biscuits or any other thing with the bottle of water for your easiness. All these precautionary measures must be kept in mind to perform all the rites perfectly without facing health problems.

Pre-doings for Hajj and Umrah:

Wearing of Ihram is the first rite for both Hajj and Umrah. Muslims must take bath and should remove extra hairs from the body. Ihram is the sacred dress and should be worn with simplicity. No perfumes and fragrant soaps are permitted while wearing Ihram. Ihram is the name of two unstitched white clothes for men and simple dress covering the whole body of women. Ihram is the criteria to enter the House of Allah for performing both Hajj and Umrah and the place from where Ihram is worn is called Meeqat.

Tawaf of Holy Kabah:

The second rite for both pilgrimages is to perform Tawaf of Kabah. A Muslim must have complete knowledge about this rite as it is the main rite of both the worships. Tawaf starts from the line of Black Stone and ends at the same line after completing seven rounds around the Holy Kabah. It is the Sunnah way of performing Tawaf of Holy Kabah. After performing Tawaf of Kabah, it is recommended to offer Nawafil at Maqam e Ibrahim.

Sa’eey and all other rites:

Sa’eey and all other rites must also be performed according to the Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad. Sacrifice is done only during Hajj not during Umrah. You are also required to check the criteria for selection of animals to be sacrificed. Halq is the name of shaving of heads of men and cutting a part of hair for women. All the rites must be performed in the same way as our Prophet has performed.

Abdul Maaz

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